Opportunity as a Vendor

Are you a startup food joint in exploring avenues to expand your horizon? or
Are you making something which can be sold through Nashta Corner ?
Speak to us !
We will definitely try to find some way to synergize.

Associate as a Client

Are you running an enterprise and facing challenge to find some Hygenic-Tasty-Affordable food service vendor for your workforce?
Are you exploring some good Tea-Coffee Vendor  for your team to make them refreshed and work more?
Speak to Us !
We can suggest and provide you the best Hygienically made Affordable Tasty Meals , Snacks and Beverage.

Partner as a Business Associate

Nashta Corner is established with a vision to promote entrepreneurship and welcomes more and more energetic people (even if they are job doers) to enter into this entrepreneurial movement. For details, Write to Us on partnerships@nashtacorner.com